Monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 6:00 PM at the Martha's Vineyard Agricultural Hall, 35 Panhandle Rd, West Tisbury.
February 13, 2025, 6:00 PM
MV Horse Council Meeting
MV Agricultural Hall
35 Panhandle Rd, West Tisbury
Draft of January 9, 2025 Meeting Minutes
An Equestrian Opportunity
We are looking for someone to care for our 2 horses and donkey on weekends. In exchange for this work we will offer free rent of a large (12X14) stall in our fully equipped, heated barn as well as space in our beautifully appointed tack room, a storage closet, use of our outdoor arena, trail access and bathroom facilities. Our farm is located at 52 Middle Road in West Tisbury. I can be reached at 843-412-8174. Thanks! Ellen
Is it time to renew your membership?
Renew or join now! Membership runs from January 1 to December 31. Renew or Join Now
Items for the newsletter need to be submitted to Jill Lane by the first of each month.
Applications for the Horse Council Scholarship are due each March. See your high school guidance counselor for details.